Aviso de Privacidad

According to what it is stablished in the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals (The Law) and its Regulations, the companies of MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO (M. INDUSTRIA, S.A. DE C.V.) with address in the street 43 exterior 319 and 321, between street 12 and street 18 in Colonia Pedregales de Tanlum, Zip Code 97219, Mérida, Yucatán, that it is responsible for the use and protection of your personal data and its branches offices in Mexico, would like to bring your attention to the present Privacy Notice, we request you read carefully this document to inform you about our privacy policy, since the information you have given or will give of your Personal Data Gathered and/or Sensitive Personal Data, such as your name, date of birth, nationality, occupation or professional activity, civil status, telephone, address (Personal Data), constitute the acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions:

I.- Personal Data Gathered and/or Sensitive Personal Data: Can be gathered and processed certain susceptible data, of personal identification; as part of our register of clients, suppliers, business partners, collaborators, business institutions, debtors, creditors and marketing activities and corporative communication. In this information it can be included but not limited the following:

a.- Identification Data: full name, address, particular phone, e-mail, cellular phone, work phone, civil status, signature, electronic signature, Personal ID Code Number, Federal Taxpayer Registry, voter identification card, place and date of birth, nationality, age.

b.- Professional Data: occupation, position, area or department, address, phone and e-mail of work, academic background, performance history in the company, among others.

c.- Property Data: wage withholdings, real states and personal properties, background credit, incomes and expenditures, bank accounts, insurances, Retirement Saving Funds Administrators (AFORES), bonds, hired services, references, among others.

In the same way, we inform you that, to achieve all the purposes of the relation in this Privacy Notice, it can be collected and processed sensitive personal data, such as the ones that can reveal aspects related to your health present and future situation, political position and credit history.

In case of collaborators or during their participation in any recruitment process, the Personal Data you provide will be used and will have as purpose the following: the identification, location, communication, contact and/or sending of information to you, related with the process of possible recruitment and/or in this case, relation.

We undertake to treat all the information under strict security measures, always warrantying confidentiality.

For all the mentioned purposes in this present document, we can gather your personal data in different ways: when you give it to us directly, when you visit our Internet website or use our services online, and other sources allowed by the Law.

II.-Purposes of Data Processing: your personal data can be used for the following purposes related to our business dealing:

·         Commercialization of products and services that MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO offers.

·         Processes and administration of refunds, invoices, client purchases background, payments, discounts, notifications of promotions, presales, access to the clients' and suppliers' website.

·         Monitoring any phone call made with you.

·         Updating registers and programs of the systems of MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO.

·         Using in the cases of merges, demerges or acquisitions of MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO.

·         Compliance to the requirements done by the authorities when necessary to safeguard the public interests, the procuring or administration of justice.

·         When applicable, the production or enter into a purchase and sale agreement, allocation, distribution, products or services supply, among other, as applicable to what the client requires.

·         Compliance of the arising obligations of the juridical relation established with the client.

·         Provide services and products required for the client in a timely and correct form.

·         Make enquires, investigations and revisions related to complaints and demands.

·         Contact you for any topic related to the products and services of the company at the present Privacy Notice.

If you do not wish that MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO, process your information to advertising purposes, publicity, corporate communication and market research, you can revoke your consent communicating with us to the email address: [email protected]

The refusal to the use of your personal data for these purposes will not be cause for not providing the services and products you ask or hire with us. Nevertheless, in case you assert the mentioned refusal, it is understood that MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO is not committed to send the corresponding goods, in this case the purchaser could pick them up at our offices or by any other mean the interest party considers.

III.- Transfer and Transmission of Data: MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO, undertakes to protect your personal data and they never be divulgated nor shared with thirds (there will not be data transference), nor even give a different use stated in the previous point I unless, there is a change in this Privacy Notice.

However, we can hire an external third to manage and administrate this website and help us to understand how the visitor uses it. Even when this third can gathered information about you in our name, we control the use of this information according with this document.

We do not commercialize, sale or rent personal information about you to third parties..

We are letting you know the warning that MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO, can use “cookies” to confirm your identification, personalize the access to this website and check its use, with the only purpose of having a better website and its functionality conditions, with the “cookies” you can not collect personal information of the users according to the Law. This Website has links to other external sites, which content and privacy policies are not responsibility of MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO.

IV.- Exercise of right ARCO (access, rectification, cancelation and opposition): The users of the website of MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO, , have rights to know what personal data of you we have, for what we use it and the conditions of the use we give (Access); and you can ask the correction of your personal information in case you need to update it, it is imprecise or incomplete (Rectification); to ask us eliminate it form our register or data base when you consider it is not being used properly (Cancelation); as well as oppose to the use of your personal data for specific purposes (Opposition). You can exercise your rights ARCO (access, rectification, cancelation and opposition) sending directly your request form to the responsible using the email account [email protected]

This request form must be sent by email with the subject “Protection of Personal Data” and it must contain: name and address or if you have other mean where we can provide the answer to your request; documents proving your identity (voter identification card or current passport), or when applicable the legal representation, the clear and precise description of the personal data involved to exercise the rights ARCO and any other element that ease the location of the personal data.

In case you request the rectification, additionally you should indicate the changes to make and provide the necessary official documents that support your request.

In the right of cancelation must express the causes of the elimination.

In the right of opposition must express the causes that justify the ending of the process of the personal data and the damage or prejudice that will cause, or if the opposition is partial, must note the specific purposes you disagree, always that this, is not a mandatory requirement..

The period of time to attend your request is 15 (fifteen) working days and we will send the answer by email. At any time after giving us you Personal Data to MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO, can expound your refusal to the treatment or transmission of them.

V.- Revoking of Consent and limitation of the use or divulgation

At all times, you can revoke the consent that you have given to us for the processing of your collected personal data and/or sensitive data, in order to stop using of divulging your information. Equally you can limit the use or divulgation of your personal data. For that, it is necessary that you present your request in the following electronic address: [email protected]

You can revoke the consent you have provide us for the procession of your personal data. Nevertheless, it is important that you take into consideration that not in all the cases we can attend your request and finish the use immediately because it is possible for legal obligation we require continue working with your personal data. Moreover, you should consider that for certain purposes the revoking of your consent implies we cannot continue giving the service you asked us or the conclusion with the relation with us.

VI.- Changes to the Privacy Policy: in case there is any change in this Privacy Notice, we will let you know through the link PRIVACY POLICY (AVISO DE PRIVACIDAD) that you could appreciate in our website https://millet.com.mx, so that you always have knowledge of our current policies.

We will not be responsible if you do not receive the notification of change in the Privacy Notice if there is any problem of data transmission by internet or if you did not have access to our website for any cause not attributable to MILLET INDUSTRIA DE VIDRIO.

For your safety, check at every single time you need it, the content of this Privacy Notice in our website https://millet.com.mx

We reserve the right of changing this Privacy Notice, in any time.

The laws and regulations of different countries can impose different requirements (inclusive conflictive) in the Internet and the protection of the information.

By virtue of we are located in Mexico and all our matters in relation to this website are ruled under the Mexican Laws. if you are in another country outside of Mexico and you contact us please take into consideration that any information you provide will be transfer to Mexico and at the moment you enter your data you authorize this transfer and accept the conditions stated in this Privacy Notice..

If you accept having read this present Privacy Notice and you do not disagree that your personal data are processed or transferred, it will be understood that you have given your consent for carried out the corresponding processes. It will be understood that you accept having read the present Privacy Notice and at the same way you accept when the CFDI (Digital Tax Receipt by Internet) is generated related to the corresponding business operation.

To know more about the Federal Law on Protection of Personal Data Held by Individuals, please visit the page of the Federal Institute for Access to Public Information and Data Protection (IFAI) http://www.ifai.org.mx